Date Ballot issue Summary Yes votes No votes Yes pct. No pct. Vote margin
Aug. 4, 2020 Amendment 2 Expand Medicaid under the ACA 18,991 22,063 46.26% 53.74% -7.48%
Nov. 6, 2018 Amendment 1 Address lobbying, campaign finance, and redistricting 52,858 35,157 60.06% 39.94% 20.11%
Nov. 6, 2018 Amendment 2 Legalize marijuana for medical purposes 60,381 29,406 67.25% 32.75% 34.50%
Nov. 6, 2018 Proposition B Increase minimum wage to $12 52,910 36,431 59.22% 40.78% 18.45%
Aug. 7, 2018 Proposition A Approval would uphold a right to work law 12,896 46,951 21.55% 78.45% -56.90%

Jefferson County voters rejected Right to Work to 2018, supported an increase in the minimum wage, legalization of medical marijuana and the “Clean Missouri†amendment that addressed lobbying, campaign finance and redistricting. But support for Medicaid expansion lagged the rest of the state. Source: Jefferson County Clerk